Meet Christy Weiss from Savard!

Are you a native Mobilian?
Yes, although I was born in Pascagoula, MS, I grew up in Mobile, graduated from MGM high school, and I am still here, so I consider myself a native.
Tell us a little bit about Savard Staffing and what you do for them.
I just reached my first anniversary as the Branch Manager for the Mobile office the other day.
Savard is a staffing and payroll company that has offices all around the Southeast from Texas to Florida. We pride ourselves on building strong relationships with other companies throughout the United States so that they trust us to recruit not only qualified but dependable employees to fill permanent positions.
Most of the listings I work to fill are throughout the state of Alabama, however, I have recently filled and will continue to fill jobs in New York, Indiana, Nevada, the Carolinas, and even Tennessee.
What activities do you enjoy outside of work?
I love to go antique shopping. People tell me I missed my calling because I love decorating and a dream job for me would be staging homes that are for sale. I also enjoy going to fishing tournaments with my younger son who is on the fishing team at my alma mater.

How did you end up at Container Yard?
We have been in the process of moving all of our smaller branches into coworking spaces, so when my boss started looking for spaces in Mobile she found Container Yard and shared the website with me and I said: “Yeah let’s do it!” The other day my boss just said that “Moving all of our small branches to coworking spaces is one of the best things we have done for our team members and the company overall.”
What is your favorite memory of the Yard (so far)?
Since I have only been here her about two months I anticipate many more great memories, however what meant the most to me was my first few days here at the Yard because everyone was so kind to me and helpful it made me comfortable and it made this feel like my second home – which is great cause I spend a lot of time here.
Welcome to the Yard Christy we are so happy to have you. Learn more about Savard and how Christy can help your company!