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Meet Kirsten of Maids a la Mode

Tell us about yourself, where you grew up, went to college? Family?

I was born in Washington, DC and grew up as a hybrid northern Virginian and NE Ohioan. I graduated from Kent State University with a Bachelor of Arts, Interior Design, from their School of Architecture and Environmental Design. My first loves are interiors, furniture design and all things mid-century modern.

I have a 21-month old wunderkind named Jack and am married to his daddy, John. Our master plan is to live aboard our sailboat and travel as a family.

What do you do for fun? Favorite things to do?

I work. I read about how to grow our businesses and exist in the on-demand economy. I spend time with my family. And I daydream about what life will be like once we're on our boat. :)

I'd say my favorite things to do right now are hang out with my son and his baby-daddy, cook/eat good food, drink great wine, and (sometimes) workout.

What do you do? What do you love about what you do?

I own and operate a digital platform called Maids á la Mode that connects people in search of green home cleaning with professional, local cleaners – kind of like UBER, but for cleaning! We've been in business for seven years and currently serve Mobile and Baldwin Counties, with plans to grow east and west along the Gulf Coast. Short term goals: reach $1m in revenue, Long term goals: world domination. Mwahahaha! I also own and manage several Airbnb's that my husband and I gutted, redesigned and furnished to accommodate travelers and professionals passing through the area.

What I love most about what I do are the day-to-day challenges and steep learning curve of business ownership. It teaches you daily and challenges what you're made of. It keeps you switched "on", pushing yourself, and always learning, learning, learning. Wouldn't trade it for the world unless, of course, "the world" means me on a sailboat with my family. :)

Why do you work at Container Yard?

I chose to work at the CY because I enjoy being around entrepreneurs, artists, creatives, and general rockstars. It's stimulating to be there and is a beautiful space!


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853 Dauphin St Suite C, Mobile, AL 36602

(251) 385-9273


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