Five Tips for Being a Nice Co-Worker

Etiquette columnist, award-winning journalist and editor of four lifestyle magazines, Melanie Warner Spencer helps you or your team polish and perfect the business etiquette knowledge and skills crucial to success in today’s world of business.
She will join us Friday, December 2nd to share her five etiquette habits always employed by successful people. Here are her tips for being the co-worker that everyone likes sitting next to...
Five Tips for Being a Pleasant Co-Worker
1. Keep conversations quiet, brief and in designated areas. Many coworking spaces offer phone booths or rooms, but if that’s not an option, simply step into the hallway or outside.
2. Remember the four-C's: Clean up after yourself. Be careful and leave no evidence of having been in common spaces. Be considerate other people and property. Finally, whether it's energy, office supplies or coffee, conserve.
3. Bring your own supplies. It's fine to borrow a pen or some other tool on occasion, but work on having what you need on hand. Many spaces offer lockers so you don’t have to haul items around all of the time.
4. Be friendly and kind.
5. Share the love of your coworking space by promoting it on social media and recommending it to people you think might be interested in becoming members. The owners of your space will appreciate the effort and you'll have even more people with whom to network.